08 November 2020

Infinitea Milk Tea Family Packs

Can't get enough of your favorite milk tea? 

Now, your family can enjoy freshly prepared milk tea at the comforts of your own home. Infinitea Milk Tea just released their Family Packs that come in 2.5 and 5 liter collapsible and reusable plastic containers which is easier to fit into refrigerators. You can also flatten it and store it away after use. 

How to assemble the drinks? It's super simple. Just add ice to a cup, pour your desired amount of milk tea. Stir and most of all, enjoy! Infinitea Milk Tea Family Packs can be kept up to 5 days from production date when refrigerated. Pearls must be consumed immediately when purchased as on add-on. Pearls and sinkers are available for Php 100.00 per cup.

Available flavors and for Infinitea Milk Tea Family Packs are as follows (with corresponding prices for 2.5  and 5 liter packs):
  • Original Milk Tea (Php 370/Php 680)
  • Wintermelon Milk Tea (Php 430/ Php 880)
  • Premium Okinawa Milk Tea (Php 470/ Php 785)
  • Chocolate Milk Tea (Php 425/ Php 785)
  • Jasmin with Honey Lemon (Php 330/ Php 600)
  • Peach Lychee Fruit Tea (Php 260/ Php 455)
What flavor/s did we get? it was a toss up among two flavors, so what do we do? We ordered two separate packs of our favorite flavors: Premium Okinawa Milk Tea for me and Original Milk Tea for Mickey. 

Order now from selected Infinitea stores via Grab Food, Food Panda, Lala Food or you can also order direct from the Infinitea store near you! These would be perfect for your weekend gatherings, family celebrations or even as thoughtful Christmas gifts. Let's face it, milk tea drinks are one of those things that can easily brighten up someone else's day.

To find out what's new with Infinitea Milk Tea find them on Instagram:



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